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In One Chart: Most Americans who view COVID-19 as a threat say they’re still likely to dine out at a restaurant

People’s perception of how much of a risk COVID-19 poses continues to influence their decision-making even as vaccination rates improve, a new poll shows......»»

Category: topSource: marketwatchMay 7th, 2021

In One Chart: Americans who see COVID-19 as a threat are still most likely to engage in these activities

People’s perception of how much of a risk COVID-19 poses continues to influence their decision-making even as vaccination rates improve, a new poll shows......»»

Category: topSource: marketwatchMay 7th, 2021

One chart shows how IRS audits have collapsed over the past decade, as wealthy Americans increasingly hide billions from the taxman

The IRS shed over 30,000 full-time positions as Republicans cut its budget by a fifth.....»»

Category: topSource: businessinsiderApr 28th, 2021

In One Chart: Americans think it’s better to invest in housing than the stock market — here’s why

Americans’ attitudes toward where to put their money have shifted over the course of the pandemic......»»

Category: topSource: marketwatchApr 5th, 2021

In One Chart: As jobless claims hit 16.8 million, more older Americans and Republicans say coronavirus won’t hurt their finances

Almost half of Republicans say COVID-19 is not a major financial threat, according to a new Pew Research Center survey......»»

Category: topSource: marketwatchApr 10th, 2020

In One Chart: As jobless claims hit nearly 17 million, more young Americans and Republicans say coronavirus won’t hurt their finances

Almost half of Republicans say COVID-19 is not a major financial threat, according to a new Pew Research Center survey......»»

Category: topSource: marketwatchApr 9th, 2020

In One Chart: As jobless claims hit nearly 17 million, more older Americans and Republicans say coronavirus is less likely to hurt their finances

Almost half of Republicans say COVID-19 is not a major financial threat, according to a new Pew Research Center survey......»»

Category: topSource: marketwatchApr 9th, 2020

In One Chart: More older Americans and Republicans say coronavirus is less likely to hurt their finances

Almost half of Republicans say COVID-19 is not a major financial threat, according to a new Pew Research Center survey......»»

Category: topSource: marketwatchApr 9th, 2020

In One Chart: As nearly 17 million people lose jobs, more young Americans and Democrats say coronavirus is likely to hurt their finances

Almost half of Republicans say COVID19 is not a major threat, according to a new Pew Research Center survey......»»

Category: topSource: marketwatchApr 9th, 2020

One chart shows how coronavirus deaths could surpass major wars and disease outbreaks in the US

Corbis via Getty Images The White House Coronavirus Task Force has estimated that, in a best-case scenario, 100,000 Americans will die from COVID-19, the disease caused by the coronavirus.  The projected US death toll is far hi.....»»

Category: topSource: businessinsiderApr 1st, 2020

If you"re hospitalized with COVID-19 and don"t have insurance, you"ll likely owe $73,000. One chart shows how broken the system is for the most vulnerable.

JohnnyGreig/Getty Images Uninsured Americans with COVID-19 would pay an estimated average of $73,300 for a 6-day hospital stay, according to a recent report by FAIR Health. Ther.....»»

Category: topSource: businessinsiderMar 27th, 2020

This chart shows the exact age when you"re most likely to get married

Carl Court/Getty The average marriage age for Americans has increased over time, according to US Census Bureau data. In 1962, 90% of 30-year-olds had been married at least once. By 2019, only 51% of 30-year-olds had been married. .....»»

Category: topSource: businessinsiderFeb 12th, 2020

This chart shows the exact age when you"re most likely to get divorced

Netflix The US Census Bureau tracks patterns in marital status by age among Americans, including divorce statistics. In recent years, older Americans are more likely to have been divorced, separated, or in a second.....»»

Category: topSource: businessinsiderFeb 12th, 2020

In One Chart: Can you even locate Iran on these maps? Most Americans can’t

For a country that’s been in the news as much as it has the past few weeks, you’d think Americans would have some vague concept of where it is on a map. Well, they don’t......»»

Category: topSource: marketwatchJan 11th, 2020

In One Chart: How support for impeaching Trump has risen and fallen — in one chart

The latest RealClearPolitics moving average of polls shows a decline in recent days in the percentage of Americans who support House Democrats’ push to impeach President Donald Trump — as well as a rise in people opposed to the effort......»»

Category: topSource: marketwatchDec 18th, 2019

In One Chart: Here’s proof that 401(k) plans are not working for most Americans — can you guess who they ARE working for?

The country’s in the midst of a savings crisis as families use every penny to cover rising home costs, nosebleed student loan debt and everything in between. And it’s only getting worse, except for those at the top of the wealth pyramid......»»

Category: topSource: marketwatchDec 12th, 2019

In One Chart: Why President Trump’s constant cheerleading of the stock market might not help him much come election time

A recent poll of likely voters shows 61% of Americans said that the market’s rally has had little or no impact on their finances......»»

Category: topSource: marketwatchDec 10th, 2019

A stunning indictment of the U.S. health-care system, in one chart

Americans are delaying treatment of serious medical conditions in record numbers because of out-of-pocket costs, Gallup research shows......»»

Category: topSource: washpostDec 10th, 2019

In One Chart: This is why Americans have so much trouble saving money

Yes, the American consumer loves to consume. Maybe an electric dog polisher and a fur sink are a bit extreme, but the U.S., with its relatively low savings rate, definitely has a spending problem......»»

Category: topSource: marketwatchOct 10th, 2019

In One Chart: Most Americans approve of Trump impeachment inquiry, new poll shows

More and more Americans are warming up to the idea of impeaching Trump......»»

Category: topSource: marketwatchOct 8th, 2019