
Macro and Credit - The Golden Rule

"After World War I.....»»

Category: blogSource: MACRONOMYApr 22nd, 2018Related News

Macro and Credit - Dyslipidemia

"You can stroke people with words." -  F. Scott FitzgeraldWhile learning that Global debt had reached a record $237 trillion in 2017 which is more than 327% o.....»»

Category: blogSource: MACRONOMYApr 13th, 2018Related News

Macro and Credit - Fandango

"When you combine ignorance and leverage, you get some pretty interesting results." - Warren BuffettWhile enjoying some much needed R&R (Rest & Recuperation).....»»

Category: blogSource: MACRONOMYApr 27th, 2018Related News

Macro and Credit - The Zimmermann Telegram

"No matter what political reasons are given for war, the underlying reason is always economic." - A. J. P. Taylor, British historianLooking at the evolution of the trade war rhetoric in conjunction with cold.....»»

Category: blogSource: MACRONOMYApr 27th, 2018Related News

Macro and Credit - The Canton System

"The philosophy of protectionism is a philosophy of war." -  Ludwig von MisesWatching the intensification of the trade war rhetoric, with additional dollar weakness, and a softening tone in US macro data, when it came.....»»

Category: blogSource: MACRONOMYApr 27th, 2018Related News

Macro and Credit - Intermezzo

"It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade." -  Charles Dic.....»»

Category: blogSource: MACRONOMYApr 27th, 2018Related News

Macro and Credit - Buckling

"There exists everywhere a medium in things, determined by equilibrium." -  Dmitri Mendeleev, Russian scientistWatching w.....»»

Category: blogSource: MACRONOMYApr 27th, 2018Related News

Macro and Credit - Structured Criticality

"Bright light is injurious to those who see nothing." -  PrudentiusLooking at the relief rally that followed the tragedy that followed the "first to default" wipe-out of large swaths of the.....»»

Category: blogSource: MACRONOMYApr 27th, 2018Related News

Macro and Credit - Harmonic tremor

"Stupidity is an elemental force for which no earthquake is a match." -  Karl Kraus, Austrian WriterWatching with interest the tragedy unfold on the short gamma crow.....»»

Category: blogSource: MACRONOMYApr 27th, 2018Related News

Macro and Credit - A shot across the bows

"History is a vast early warning system." - Norman Cousins, American authorLooking at the markets wobbles on Friday, with the .....»»

Category: blogSource: MACRONOMYApr 27th, 2018Related News

Macro and Credit - The Twain-Laird Duel

"All you need in this life is ignorance and confidence, and then success is sure." - Mark TwainWatching the mesmerizing new heights reached by US equities in conjunctio.....»»

Category: blogSource: MACRONOMYApr 27th, 2018Related News

Macro and Credit - The Lindemann criterion

"We're just a bubble in a boiling pot." - Jack JohnsonLooking at the acceleration of inflows, with record flows piling into Investment Grade, Emerging Markets (EM) and equities, when it came to selecting this week's title analogy, we reacq.....»»

Category: blogSource: MACRONOMYApr 27th, 2018Related News

Macro and Credit - Bracket creep

"Declining productivity and quality means your unit production costs stay high but you don't have as much to sell. Your workers don't want to be paid less, so to maintain profits, you increase your prices. That's inflation." - W. Ed.....»»

Category: blogSource: MACRONOMYApr 27th, 2018Related News

Macro and Credit - Iconic Memory

"There are things known and there are things unknown, and in between are the doors of perception." - Aldous Huxley.....»»

Category: blogSource: MACRONOMYApr 27th, 2018Related News

Macro and Credit - Volition

"The true test of a leader is whether his followers will adhere to his cause from their own volition, enduring the most arduous hardships without being forced to do.....»»

Category: blogSource: MACRONOMYApr 27th, 2018Related News

Macro and Credit - Rician fading

"The very concept of objective truth is fa.....»»

Category: blogSource: MACRONOMYApr 27th, 2018Related News

Macro and Credit - The Roots of Coincidence

"Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous." -  Albert EinsteinWatching the unabated inflows into Investment Grade funds, the 44th in a row, with pundits reaching for .....»»

Category: blogSource: MACRONOMYApr 27th, 2018Related News

Macro and Credit - Stress concentration

"Now is the age of anxiety." -  W. H. Auden, English poetLooking at the outflows in the feeble High Yield E.....»»

Category: blogSource: MACRONOMYApr 27th, 2018Related News

Macro and Credit - Paraprosdokian

"He was at his best when the going was good." - Alistair Cooke on the Duke of WindsorWatching with interest.....»»

Category: blogSource: MACRONOMYApr 27th, 2018Related News

Macro and Credit - Euphonium

"Indeed, bull markets are fueled by successive waves of prior skeptics finally capitulating as their fears fade. Eventually, fear turns to euphoria, .....»»

Category: blogSource: MACRONOMYApr 27th, 2018Related News