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Travel search platform Kayak has partnered to create its first hotel - see inside the tech-powered Miami hotel

Kayak partnered with "Silicon Valley-backed" Life House to create the tech-forward hotel, which will officially open in April. The Kayak Miami Beach hotel. Kayak Kayak partnered with Life House to unveil th.....»»

Category: topSource: businessinsiderMar 14th, 2021

Fixing America"s COVID-19 mistakes: We could have much better masks by now if the CDC followed NASA"s playbook

Taking hints from NASA, South Korea, as well as mechanical engineers and seamstresses across the US could all help make masked life much better. Business Insider.....»»

Category: topSource: businessinsiderMar 13th, 2021

4 lessons entrepreneurs can learn about problem-solving from the NASA engineers who landed Apollo 13

When lives were at risk, the Apollo 13 team .....»»

Category: worldSource: nytMar 3rd, 2021

NASA"s Mars rover is about to land in the perfect place to hunt for alien fossils: an ancient lake bed called Jezero Crater


Category: topSource: businessinsiderFeb 12th, 2021

Radio host Dave Ramsey slammed stimulus checks, and said you"re "already screwed" if $600 or $1,400 changes your life

Ramsey said the stimulus checks were simply throwing money at the problem or "peeing on a forest fire." Radio host and financial advisor.....»»

Category: dealsSource: nytFeb 11th, 2021

A critical test of NASA"s moon rocket ended abruptly due to an engine problem, possibly ending hopes of launching in 2021

The Space Launch System's engines were supposed to fire together for e.....»»

Category: personnelSource: nytJan 16th, 2021

Here"s how NASA engineers piloting the Mars rover are managing their work-life balance during lockdown

NASA/Matt Gildner NASA engineers are continuing to drive the Mars Curiosity Rover while working from home. The job is highly technical and delicate.....»»

Category: topSource: businessinsiderMay 10th, 2020

More people seem to be watching porn on work devices — and it"s a cybersecurity problem for employers

Virginia Mayo/AP As working from home becomes the norm, people's work habits are changing rapidly and becoming increasingly blurred with their personal life, according to a new report from cybersecurity firm Kaspersky. One o.....»»

Category: topSource: businessinsiderMay 6th, 2020

My unsuccessful 2-week search for a DiGiorno"s frozen pizza has driven home the feeling that life as we know it is no more

Chris Pizzello/AP I've been trying to get my hands on a DiGiorno.....»»

Category: topSource: businessinsiderApr 5th, 2020

Amid bar closures, North Texas breweries search for temporary solutions

Peticolas Brewing Company's eponymous owner and operator has only experienced anxiety twice in his life. Michael Peticolas' was most recently struck by anxiety on March 16, when Dallas Mayor Eric Johnson announced all bars, lounges and taverns would .....»»

Category: topSource: bizjournalsMar 23rd, 2020

A simple animation by a planetary scientist reveals what would happen without leap years: December would eventually drift into summer

Norman Kuring/NASA/GSFC/Suomi NPP Leap day is on February 29. A simple animation by a planetary scientist shows how that solves a problem with the way we track time.....»»

Category: topSource: businessinsiderFeb 20th, 2020

No Life? No Problem.

FEEDFor all the drama and excitement after hours yesterday about the virus ready to wipe out the Earth, it turns out to be, once again, a non-issue. The ES has .....»»

Category: blogSource: slopeofhopeFeb 13th, 2020

I"m 58 and have no retirement savings. Is my financial life ruined?

I’m 58 years old and for the first time ever, retirement seems real to me. The problem is I don’t have any money. Now what?.....»»

Category: topSource: moneycentralFeb 3rd, 2020

A rare chemical that helped DNA form may have come to Earth on comets from newborn stars, astronomers find

NASA Phosphorus is key in forming DNA and giving rise to life on Earth, but.....»»

Category: topSource: businessinsiderJan 15th, 2020

Conflict isn"t always a bad thing. 3 Kellogg professors discuss when it can be harnessed for good — and when it"s actually a problem.

Photographer is my life./Getty Images Three Kellogg faculty members sat down to share their thoughts on conflict and the purposes it can serve. Assuming that there's going to be conflict when you go into a meeting actually helps you mak.....»»

Category: topSource: businessinsiderJan 14th, 2020

Betelgeuse likely won"t die as a supernova in your life. But astronomers are finding "red nova" stars that may soon violently explode.

NASA/ESA/The Hubble Heritage Team (STScI/AURA) The red super-giant star Betelgeuse has dramatically dimmed, leading to speculation of an imminent supernova. But that may not happen for 1 million years. A more common but less wi.....»»

Category: topSource: businessinsiderJan 4th, 2020

NASA, SpaceX To Launch "Robot Hotel"

In space, no one can hear you scream about not having enough room to store your robots. But it’s still a problem. Until now. 0 read more.....»»

Category: blogSource: benzingaDec 4th, 2019

Surprisingly rich ways to live a no-frills life

No frills, no bills, no problem......»»

Category: topSource: moneycentralDec 3rd, 2019

The human species will likely destroy itself long before the sun kills everyone on Earth, a Harvard scientists says

NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Follow/Shutterstock Astronomers are certain that, billions of years in the future, the sun will incinerate Earth's oceans, effectively killing all life. The best solution to that immi.....»»

Category: topSource: businessinsiderNov 27th, 2019

Apple Watch ECG saved a life of 79-year-old man facing heart problem

There is a lot of skepticism regarding wearables and how useful they truly are. However, on many occasions, they are not only good for tracking... The post Apple Watch ECG saved a life of 79-year-old man facing heart problem appeared first on ValueWalk......»»

Category: blogSource: valuewalkNov 25th, 2019